The Enemy of Procrastination

Thien Doan
2 min readJan 18, 2023


Dear Younger Me,

I’m writing today to help you overcome one of the biggest hindrances to your personal growth. It’s an obstacle you need to learn to overcome. This tendency of yours is how you unwittingly sabotage yourself continuously.

This harmful habit of yours is your enemy, your adversary. He’s the evil big boss you must face at the end of the video game of life if you want to become the hero rescuing the princess.

You’re asking, “Who is this enemy? What is this obstacle I must overcome?” Great questions. Your true enemy is your tendency, propensity, and habit of procrastination.

Procrastination is the primary obstacle keeping you from progressing in your journey of personal growth. It’s not a lack of passion or vision. You got those in abundance. Even though you have a clear picture of where you want to go and the commitment to get you there tomorrow, your choice to procrastinate keeps you trapped.

Here’s how the dictionary defines “to procrastinate,”

1) to defer action; delay; 2) to put off till another day or time.

That’s the enemy. You know him well. You wrestle with him nearly every day. You face him every morning, and each time you start a big project. Procrastination visits you when you have to do something difficult or have an uncomfortable conversation with someone.

And so far in your life, he’s gotten the best of you most days. Putting something off until tomorrow seems like such a small, harmless, and inconsequential choice. But that daily choice you make is ruining your life. You think you can always do whatever you need to get done tomorrow. But you don’t realize that today is yesterday’s tomorrow.

To become the person you want to become and get where you want to go, you need to stop giving in to procrastination. You need to stand up to him and punch him in the face.

Let me help you in your battle with procrastination. I’ll be your guide on how to defeat this enemy. Tomorrow’s lesson will be about understanding the hidden dangers of procrastination. But today’s assignment is to declare war on procrastination. Go ahead. Punch him in the face. Don’t let him win.

Just trust me,

Your Future Self



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